Scaling our Research


Help us expand our cutting-edge biodiversity research to track benefits of ClimateForce's methods. Including some of the below research categories:

Drone: expand our state-of-the-art dashboard with point cloud capacity and state-of-the-art software to allow integration with Virtual Reality and live sensor features.

Water: Three different creeks around the property, professionally lab tested—e.g., PH, hydrogen, phosphorus

Soil: Two transect samples (25 mini samples each), professionally tested— monitoring the transition from bacteria-based to the fungi-based soil system

Flora + forestry: conducted in-house by the research team to better understand biomass through Lidar, endangered species and the different ecotones throughout the property.

Fauna: multiple camera traps were used, with dozens of endangered animals. Documented cassowaries, tree kangaroos, flying foxes, frog and insect species.

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